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Our Energy System

The human body is an energy system. Both the ancients and modern scientists agree that everything in life is formed of vibration. Vibration is the movement of sub-atomic particles called electrons and protons that are contained within atoms and molecules that every substance consists of. Vibration exists in objects, in animals, in humans and in the atmosphere around us.


The human body is made up of energy fields which surround and emanate energy and interact with the physical body and its various functions.


The Meridians


We have channels of energy called Meridians which connect the organ systems with each other and supply the entire body with life force energy. When the flow is unhindered and we take enough energy in, we are physically and psychologically healthy. However, if there are disorders or blockages in the energy flow, certain parts of the body are under supplied, resulting in time of physical symptoms and if left dis-ease.


The meridians are supplied by vortex’s of energy called chakras which collect energy from the Aura that is all around us. All the organs, tissues and systems within our body are comprised of similarly vibrating atoms.


The Aura is comprised of two parts – subtle bodies and energy emanations. The subtle bodies are bands of energy of varying intensity and vibration that surround and interpenetrate with the physical body.


Our Major Chakras


We have seven major chakras that draw spiritual energy into us. The harmonious use of each chakra is essential to our wellbeing and wholeness.


Charkas are fundamental to healing. Imbalances need to be corrected at the deepest essential level by the individual, by changing the underlying pattern that caused the dysfunction in the first place.


The Lower Charkas are associated with the instinctive and survival traits; the middle ones are associated with emotional being and the higher ones are more related to consciousness and higher intuition.


Root (major) Chakra colour Red.

This chakra gets out of balance when we focus on self-intent, material possessions or secular survival. This is where our inner child fears, memories, perceptions and attitudes start to surface and make an impact on our physical bodies.


Sacral (Major) Chakra colour Orange.

This chakra is the centre for sexual energy, creativity and emotions. Its associated body part; reproductive organs, kidney, bladder, pelvic area, sperm and all liquids and fluids in the body. This chakra gets out of balance if we fear sexual relationships, feel insecure, are unhappy or suffer from a lack of self-esteem. Emotional pain also creates blockages in this Charka.


Solar Plexus (Major) Chakra Colour Yellow

Survival instincts are felt intuitively at the solar plexus. The solar plexus mainly effects the left side of the body. Its where logic battles with the intuition of the soul. When balanced this chakra can give us the power and energy to manifest our dreams in a physical sense. Gets out of balance when we try to control everything, its associated body parts are, the abdomen, lower back, stomach, liver, spleen, digestive system, gall bladder and nervous system. Ego and pride, our lower earthly self-personalities are also affected by this chakra i.e. inner child.


Heart (Major) Chakra colour Pink and Green

 This chakra is responsible for the feelings and thoughts that come from the heart rather than the head. It is here we become our own creators. Where music and art touch us. Where beauty is processed into positive feelings, emotions and excitement. It is where negativity is neutralised and healed by acceptance and forgiveness of ourselves and others. Its associated body parts; the heart, upper back, rib cage, chest, skin, lower lungs, circulatory systems and the abdominal cavity. It gets out of balance when we lack sincerity and when we do not love unconditionally, when our love is insincere, or we cheat on our partners and lie to our friends.


Throat (Major) Chakra Colour Indigo

This chakra transforms feelings and emotions into the expressions, such as laughter and responsive to sound, be it physically or metaphysical. Its associated body parts; Lungs, vocal cords, bronchial, throat, thyroid, voice, jaw and neck. It gets out of balance if we do not speak our truth, if we cannot express ourselves properly verbally, using criticisms, bad words either written or spoken.



Third Eye (Major) Chakra colour light blue

This chakra helps us to find our own true essence and beauty, a sense and recognition of “being” who we truly are and want to become. Gives us clarity and individuality. It connects us to parts of creation which new age scientists have learnt. It is our “knowing” chakra, it holds all the knowledge that we need once we decide to find the answers within. Its associate body parts; face, eyes, nose, sinus, pituitary gland and cerebellum. It gets out of balance if we reject there is a spiritual side of life and ourselves, when we focus on intellect and science, afraid of one’s intuition, superficiality, lacking courage to be yourself and not what others or circumstances have made you or wish you to be. This usually manifests headaches and stress.


Crown (Major) Chakra Colour Purple

This chakra connects us with the universe, it helps to find the totality of person as combined by the chakras, it proves divine Inspiration and is a shield against bad energies and negative experiences. Its associated body parts; brain, cerebellum, skull. This chakra connects us to the high crown chakra which is above the crown chakra, outside the physical but within the aura it holds experiences and knowledge beyond time and space, beyond words and intellect, it interfaces with the cosmic energies, altered states and higher states of consciousness, which is achieved in a MEDITATIVE state.


This gives us a greater understanding of how Reiki helps clear your chakras. 

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